

The Australian Poetry Competition had come down to two finalists, an university graduate and an old aboriginal.

They were given a word, then allowed two minutes to study the word and come up with a poem that contined the word.
The word they were given was ” TIMBUKTU “

First to recite his poem was the university graduate. He stepped up to the microphone and said :

Slowly across the desert sand
Trekked a lonely caravan
Men on camels two by two
Destination – Timbuktu

The crowd went crazy ! No way could the old aboriginal top that, they thought.
The old aboriginal calmly made his way to the microphone and recited :

Me and Tim a-huntin’ went
Met three whores in a pop-up tent
They were three, and we were two
So I bucked one, and Timbuktu

The aboriginal won.