Nos Chers Disparus

Ngo Ngoc Bich (BP75)

Ngo Ngoc Bich (BP75) Nous somme tristes de vous faire part de la disparition de Ngo Ngoc Bich (BP75) , survenue le 24 Decembre 2012 aux Etats-Unis.

Perdre un être que l’on aime est douloureux, cela l’est d’autant plus lorsque cette disparition est subite et prematuree.
Nous presentons nos sinceres condoleances a la famille de Ngo Ngoc Bich ainsi qu’aux anciens de BP75.

Bien amicalement,


* Funeral Announcement .

Cao Huu Hai (BP72)
Dear All,
December 24th was quiet. The streets were quiet. The sky was covered and the weather was warm. A typical Xmas day in Houston… My iPad chimed. I have sent and received quite a few emails today, mostly Christmas greetings messages but this one was not. It was from my cousin, Thu Trang.

Anh Hải,
Do you remember Ngọc Bích from Blaise Pascal days ? Our pretty défilé girl ?
She had a major stroke 10 days ago and have been in a coma. She passed away early this morning in Kentucky. The end of the world did not come but with all the bad news coming our way constantly, it impacts us just as much.

Trang Yes, I remembered Ngọc Bích, someone very dear to XD. I have never interacted with her. She was in Thu Trang’s class, 4 grades lower than mine and at that time, for me, she was just a kid. However, in 1970, BP participated in a défilé with other schools and she was selected as bearer of the school name, marching at the front. She was not a kid anymore, looking more as a grown-up as compared to Thu Trang and other girls in her class. Lots of guys whispered that she looked “sexy” with her mini-jupe.

Like Thầy Hà, like Thiếu Quân, she was part of our school memories, as someone people talked about. Borrowing from Ba Dung, with her leaving, it’s a piece of our memories that goes away.

Rest In Peace, Ngọc Bích.
